Saturday, July 29, 2023

My Ex Is Emotionally Abusing Our Child: A Heartbreaking Reality


Credit: Pexels       

When a couple breaks up and there are children involved, co-parenting is an important part of moving on. But sometimes, the end of a relationship doesn't mean the end of mental trouble. A lot of parents have to face the painful fact that their ex-spouse is mentally abusing their child.


This kind of abuse can hurt a child's mental health for a long time, affecting their self-esteem, trust, and growth as a whole. In this piece, we'll talk about the troubling problem of emotional abuse by an ex-partner. We'll look at the possible reasons for this kind of behaviour and talk about how to help and protect our children from it.


Understanding Emotional Abuse 


Emotional abuse is a form of mistreatment in which someone uses damaging methods to try to control and change another person's feelings, self-perception, and behaviour. When an ex-spouse hurts a child emotionally, it can come in different ways, such as:


1. Manipulation and "Gaslighting": An abusive parent may try to control the child's thoughts and feelings so that the child starts to question what they see or what is real. Gaslighting can hurt a child's feelings and make them question their own health and judgement.

2. Verbal insults and humiliation: Calling names and making fun of children can hurt their self-esteem and make them feel like they don't matter.

3. Isolation and alienation: The violent parent may try to keep the child from seeing the other parent, extended family, or friends. This can make the child feel lonely and different from others.

4. Not showing affection: If a child doesn't get love, care, and mental support, they may feel unloved and alone.

5. Love with Conditions: The abusive parent may only show love and support when the child meets certain demands or conditions, which can make the child feel insecure and anxious.


Why Would My Ex Emotionally Abuse Our Child?


There are several reasons why an ex-spouse might mentally abuse their child:


1. Control and Manipulation: Emotional abuse can be a way for the abused ex to get control over the child and the other parent. The violent ex may try to stay in charge and in charge of the co-parenting relationship by using the child's emotions against him or her.

2. Retaliation and Resentment: Sometimes, emotional abuse happens because one parent is angry, unhappy, or resentful of the other. The violent ex may use the child as a way to get back at the other parent for things that happened during the relationship or breakup, whether they were real or imagined.

3. Narcissistic traits: People with narcissistic traits often put their own needs and wants ahead of others', even the mental well-being of their child. They may hurt their kid emotionally to meet their own needs for admiration, power, or approval.

4. Insecurity and jealousy: The abusive ex's feelings of jealousy or insecurity about how the child is getting along with the other parent can also lead to emotional abuse. They might act manipulatively because they are afraid of losing the child's love and care.

5. Difficulty Getting Over the Breakup: An emotionally abusive ex might do this because he or she can't get over the breakup. They may have unresolved feelings and a fear of being rejected, which makes them put their own pain onto the child.

6. Lack of Empathy:  Some people may not have empathy or emotional intelligence, which makes it hard for them to understand or care about their child's emotional needs. They might not understand how their bad behaviour affects the child.

7. Parenting style and history: An violent ex's actions can also be affected by how they were raised and how they learned to treat other people. If they were hurt emotionally or saw bad parenting, they might do the same thing to their own child.

8. Mental Health Problems: Emotional abuse can sometimes be linked to mental health problems of the violent ex. Untreated mental health problems, like personality disorders or stress that hasn't been dealt with, can make them act badly towards the child.


Understand that mental abuse is never okay and is always bad for the child. Different things could be causing the abusive behaviour, but the most important thing is to protect the child and give them the help they need to heal from the mental trauma caused by the abusive ex.


Can Abuse Change How Much My Child Loves Me?


Credit: Pexels

When an ex-spouse hurts a child, it can make the child love the other parent less. When one parent emotionally abuses a child, it can cause confusion, fear, and emotional turmoil. This can have a number of effects on how the child feels about and loves the other parent:


1. Parental alienation: An abusive ex may try to turn the child against the parent who is not cruel by using parental alienation. They may try to change how the child feels and thinks about the other parent by saying things that aren't true or are bad about them.

2. Fear and intimidation: Emotional abuse can make a kid afraid and intimidated, which makes them less likely to show love or good feelings towards the parent who isn't abusing them. They might be afraid of getting in trouble or being hurt more if they show love or loyalty to the other parent.

3. Guilt and mixed loyalties: Because of the mental abuse, the child may feel guilty and have mixed loyalties. They might feel torn between loving the parent who isn't violent and giving in to the abusive parent's pressure or manipulation.

4. Suppressed emotions: The child may hide how they really feel about the non-abusive parent to protect themselves from emotional pain or to avoid a fight with the abusive ex. This emotional hiding can make it hard for them to show love freely.

Low Self-Esteem: Emotional abuse can hurt a child's sense of self-worth and self-respect. They may think that they are not worthy of love or that their feelings don't matter because of what the abusive parent tells them.

6. Avoiding Attachment: Some children may develop avoidant attachment patterns as a result of emotional abuse. This makes it hard for them to form safe relationships with the parent who isn't abusing them. They may emotionally separate themselves to keep from getting hurt.

7. Mixed Feelings: The child may have a range of feelings towards the non-abusive parent, including love, respect, confusion, and ambivalence. When a person's violent ex makes them feel bad, it can cloud their feelings and make them fight with themselves.


It is very important for the non-abusive parent to give the child a safe, loving, and caring home. The effects of emotional abuse can be lessened by building trust, showing empathy, and supporting the child's feelings. Professional help, like counselling or therapy, can also help both the abused kid and the non-abusing parent deal with the effects of the abuse and build a healthy relationship between them.


How Can I Stop My Ex From Emotionally Abusing My Child?


It is very important to help and protect your child from mental abuse. Here are some important things to do:

1. Open Communication: Give your child a place where they can talk about their thoughts and fears without being judged.

2. Validate Their Feelings: Tell your child that you understand how they feel and that you believe them.

3. Get help from a professional: You might want to talk to a child psychologist or therapist about how to help your child work through their feelings and deal with the abuse.

4. Keep a record of the abuse: Dates, times, and specific cases of emotional abuse should be written down. This could be important if legal action needs to be taken.


How To Deal With An Ex Who Hurts Our Child Emotionally



It can be hard to figure out how to co-parent with an emotionally abusive ex, but your child's well-being must come first:


1. Set Clear Boundaries: Set clear rules for how you can talk to and act around your ex.

2. Don't get into fights with your abusive ex: Arguments and fights with your abusive ex can make the situation worse.

3. Involve Authorities if required: In severe cases, involving legal authorities or seeking a court order may be required to protect your child's interests.


I Am Considering To Sue My Ex Who Abuses Our Kid


Whether or not to go to court against an ex who hurts your child mentally is a very personal decision. If the child's safety is in danger, the law may need to step in to keep them from getting hurt even more. Talking to a family lawyer and getting advice from a professional can help you make a good choice.



Emotional abuse by an ex-spouse is a sad fact that many families have to deal with. As parents, it's our job to keep our kids safe and help them through hard times. By knowing the signs of emotional abuse, getting help from a professional, and keeping the lines of communication open, we can give our children the love and care they need to recover from this terrible experience. Remember that your child's emotional health is important, and with the right help, they can overcome the problems that come with emotional abuse and do well in a healthy, caring setting.


Frequently Asked Questions


How can I keep my ex from abusing my child emotionally?


Make sure your child is safe and cared for to keep them safe. Talk to your child honestly, listen to how they're feeling, and reassure them. Encourage a good bond with the parent who isn't abusive, but set healthy limits to stop more emotional damage.


Should I confront my ex about how he treats our child emotionally?


When you tell your ex about the emotional abuse, they might deny it or get angry. Focus on keeping your child safe and, if necessary, think about getting help from a professional or the law.


Can emotional abuse affect how well my child does in school?


Yes, emotional abuse can hurt a child's ability to do well in school. Stress and emotional upheaval caused by the abuse may make it hard for the child to focus, learn, and keep up good social relationships at school.


Can joint custody work if my ex is emotionally abusive to our child?


When a kid is emotionally abused, it may not be in his or her best interest to have joint custody. It is very important to put the child's health and safety first. If your ex's behaviour keeps hurting the child, you might want to talk to a lawyer about changing parenting arrangements to keep the child safe.


What kinds of help are there for my child if he or she has been emotionally abused?


Seeking help from therapists, counsellors, or support groups that focus on mental abuse of children can be helpful. These experts can help your child work through his or her feelings, become more resilient, and learn ways to deal with problems.


How can I make sure my child is safe while co-parenting with an ex who hurts me emotionally?


Co-parenting with a former partner who hurts you personally can be hard. Set clear limits and think about parallel parenting, which reduces the amount of direct contact. Focus on having good times with your child and write down any scary things that happen to protect their well-being.


Can my child get better after being emotionally abused?


Yes, children can get better from mental abuse with the right help and care. Early recognition, professional help, a caring environment, and a strong support system can all help with healing and long-term mental health.