Thursday, July 20, 2023

Emotional Abuse vs Domestic Violence


Credit: Pexels

It is important to know the difference between emotional abuse and domestic violence if you want to know how unhealthy relationships work.

Even though both can be very bad for the person who gets them, they show up in different ways and need different kinds of help.

In this piece, we'll look at emotional abuse and domestic violence from an analytical point of view. We'll talk about the different ways emotional abuse can show up, how to spot the signs of domestic violence, and the main differences between the two.


Domestic Violence Defined

On the other hand, "domestic violence" is a wider term that includes many different kinds of abuse, such as physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse.

It happens in close relationships, like marriage or living together. Domestic violence is often a cycle of power and control, with the abuser using fear, threats, and violence to gain control.

Domestic abuse can hurt people in many different ways, both physically and mentally.


10 Ways Emotional Abuse Manifests

1. Gaslighting: People who hurt others emotionally change the truth and make their victims question what they think is real.

Constant Criticism: They are always putting down and criticizing their victims, which hurts their self-esteem.

Isolation: Emotional abusers keep their victims from their friends and family, which makes them dependent on the attacker.

4. Withholding Affection: As a way to control and punish, they don't show love or emotional support.

5. Manipulation: Emotional abusers use their victims' feelings and situations to keep power over them.

6. Emotional Rollercoaster: Victims go through random highs and lows in their emotions, which makes them feel confused and unsafe.

7.Shifting the blame: People who use emotional abuse put the blame for their actions and feelings on the people they hurt.

8. Withholding Emotions: They use withholding emotions to control and scare their prey.

9. Humiliation: People who use emotional abuse hurt their victims' self-esteem by making them feel bad about themselves.

10. Emotional Neglect: They don't meet the emotional needs of their victims, which makes them feel unwanted and unworthy.


Credit: Pexels

Difference Between Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence

The main difference between emotional abuse and domestic violence in the home is the extent and type of abuse in each case.

Emotional abuse is a habit of using someone's feelings and sense of self-worth against them. It can happen in many different kinds of relationships.

On the other hand, domestic violence is any kind of physical, mental, sexual, or financial abuse in a close relationship.


Effects of Having Emotionally Abusive and Violent Individuals

Being in a relationship with someone who is emotional abusive and violent can be very bad for the victim.

They may have low self-esteem, anxiety, sadness, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Domestic violence victims may also get hurt physically and have health problems that last for a long time. Healing from these kinds of experiences often takes expert help and a strong network of friends and family.


Reasons for Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse

Domestic violence and emotional abuse have a lot of different causes. Abusers may have been abused themselves or have trauma and mental problems that they haven't dealt with.

Abusive behaviour can also be caused by things like drug use, imbalances of power, and cultural values.

List Five Ways to Get Help for Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence

1. Hotlines and Support Groups: Call domestic violence and emotional abuse hotlines and support groups in your area.

2. Therapy or counseling: Get help from a professional therapist or counselor who has dealt with abuse and stress before.

3. Legal Help: Talk to a lawyer to learn about your legal rights and protection order choices.

4. Plan for safety: Make a safety plan to protect yourself from more harm if things get worse.

5. Lean on helpful friends and family: Surround yourself with friends and family who care about you and can help you in both emotional and practical ways.


How Can I Change an Emotionally Abusive and Violent Parent?

Trying to change a parent who is emotionally abusive and violent is hard. It takes open conversation, empathy, and a willingness on the part of the parent to see that they are doing something wrong.

Family therapy can help get to the bottom of problems and teach better ways to talk to each other.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse is a habit of using someone's feelings, sense of self-worth, and self-esteem to control them.


How can I cope with emotional abuse?

It can be hard to deal with emotional abuse. Talk to friends, family, or a therapist who can help you understand and move forward.


What are the signs of domestic violence?

Physical abuse, sexual abuse, control over money, threats, and being cut off from friends and family are all signs of domestic violence.


Can an emotionally abusive person change?

Change is possible, but the violent person has to admit what they are doing and get help from a professional.


How can I protect myself from domestic violence?

To protect yourself from domestic abuse, you can make a safety plan, talk to a lawyer, and call a support hotline. Having a network of people who will help you can also be helpful.