Tuesday, July 18, 2023

How to Deal with Emotional Abuse by Parents



You might be wondering why your parents keep abusing you emotionally. It can be quite upsetting and unpleasant to deal with such reality.

Numerous behaviors can constitute parental emotional abuse, including verbal abuse, intimidation, exploitation, rejection, neglect, and parentification.

The ability to identify the symptoms of emotional abuse and gain insight into its possible causes is crucial for your survival.

The parent may act abusively on a regular basis or only while under the influence of alcohol or other aggravating circumstances.


Why Would Parents Abuse Their Child?

The causes of parental emotional abuse are complicated and diverse. Parents who abuse their children emotionally may have been abused as kids thereby creating a vicious cycle.

Others could find it challenging to give their children a nurturing and supportive atmosphere due to unresolved emotional difficulties, mental health challenges, or even stress.


Emotional Abuse by Mother

A mother's habit of destructive behaviour directed at her child's emotional and psychological wellbeing is referred to as emotional abuse.

Constant criticism, humiliation, insults, deceit, gaslighting, and withholding of love and affection as a technique of control are just a few ways that this abuse may seem.


Emotional Abuse by Father

Fathers who mistreat their children emotionally exhibit similar traits to mothers who do the same.

Demeaning language, manipulation, ignoring emotional needs, and attempting to control the child's emotions and behaviours can all be part of it.

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10 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Parent

1. Constant Criticism: Emotionally abusive parents typically disparage their children's accomplishments, skills, or attractiveness, which lowers their self-esteem.

2. Manipulation: They influence and direct their child's behavior by employing manipulation techniques.

3. Gaslighting: To make their children question their memory and sanity, emotionally abusive parents may embellish the truth or deny past incidents.

4. Emotional Abuse: As a measure of discipline or control, they may restrict their child's love, affection, or emotional support.

5. Isolation: Parents who abuse their children emotionally may isolate them from friends and family, leading to emotional dependence and weakening their social network.

6. Blaming the Child: They frequently hold the child responsible for their own unpleasant feelings or behaviors, making the child feel in charge of the parent's emotions.

7. Shaming and Humiliation: Parents who emotionally abuse their children may ridicule or embarrass them in front of others or in private, which lowers their sense of value and self-esteem.

8. Withholding Praise: They hardly acknowledge or show appreciation for their child's accomplishments, which causes feelings of inadequacy.

9. Emotional Rollercoaster: Children of emotionally abusive parents have erratic emotional highs and lows that leave them feeling uncertain and confused.

10. Emotional Withholding: As a form of discipline, they may use emotional withholding, which makes the youngster fearful and anxious.


Effects of Having Emotionally Abusive Parents

The repercussions of having emotionally abusive parents as children can be deep and lifelong.

Children who endure emotional abuse may grow up with low self-esteem, have trouble trusting others and feeling close to them, and have trouble controlling their emotions.

In maturity, they might also display signs of anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. Therapy, support, and self-compassion are frequently necessary for recovering from the impacts of parental emotional abuse.


Five Ways to Get Help for Emotionally Abusive Parents

1. Therapy or counseling: Consulting a therapist or counselor for expert assistance might offer a secure setting for developing coping mechanisms.

2. Support groups: Finding others who have gone through similar experiences can help with understanding and validation.

3. Educate Yourself: Gaining knowledge on emotional abuse and its repercussions can aid in your ability to comprehend and resolve the problem.

4. Establish Boundaries: Healthy boundaries must be established and upheld in order to safeguard your mental wellbeing.

5. Reach out to Friends and Family: Having a strong network of friends and family members by your side can provide you the emotional support you need to deal with the difficulties of having emotionally abusive parents.

How Can I Change Emotionally Abusive Parent?

It can be difficult and complex to change a parent who is verbally or emotionally abusive. It calls for honest dialogue, compassion, and a parent's willingness to own their detrimental actions and seek expert assistance.


Family counseling may occasionally be helpful in addressing and resolving underlying problems that contribute to emotional abuse.


Frequently Asked Quetions

Emotional abuse: what is it?

A pattern of destructive behavior intended to dominate and undermine someone's emotional and psychological well-being constitutes emotional abuse.

How can I deal with my parents' emotional abuse?

It might be hard to deal with parental emotional abuse. You may find it helpful to get assistance from friends, family, or a therapist as you negotiate this challenging circumstance.

Can parents who are emotionally abusive ever change?

Change is possible, but only if the parents are prepared to acknowledge their behavior and seek expert assistance. Parents that abuse their children emotionally might not all be willing to change.

Can people who have experienced emotional abuse from their parents get therapy?

Yes, counseling can offer a secure environment in which to process feelings, recover from the effects of emotional abuse, and create effective coping mechanisms.

Is it possible to have a positive connection with parents who are emotionally abusive?

The ability of emotionally abusive parents to alter their actions and seek assistance is necessary to forging a good relationship with them. In such circumstances, it is crucial to establish clear limits in order to safeguard your emotional wellbeing.

Can one forgive emotionally abusive parents?

For some people, the healing process may include forgiving others, but this is a personal decision. However, forgiving someone does not always include keeping in touch with their abusive parents.

How do I end the pattern of emotional abuse by my parents?

Seeking professional assistance, establishing boundaries, and placing your emotional wellbeing first are all necessary steps to breaking the pattern of parental emotional abuse. Having a strong support system around you helps speed up the healing process.